This is the review for Lego Star Wars II The Original Trilogy (PS2). Anyway, let me give you the background. We've all seen the brilliant Star Wars movies, and Lego sells Star Wars models, that are made out of Lego. You can buy ships, characters, nearly everything from the movies can be bought or created yourself. One day, one bright spark decided to make a game about Star Wars, Episodes 1-3. Except, instead of the normal Star Wars games, everything was made of Lego! It was named "Lego Star Wars: The Video Game", and it was a smash hit. So they decided to make a sequel, about episodes 4-6. This is my review of it....
In some ways, Lego Star Wars II is similar to it's predecessor, like it should be, although it does have some interesting new features. Now, you can build and ride vehicles, in the midst of a level, instead of having just "ship" and just "land" levels. Also, there is now a Free Play mode for ship levels. (Free Play mode is when you have completed a level in story mode - the standard mode - but now can select any character to do it with). As well as that, it allows the player to create their own personalized character out of parts of characters that they've already collected/ bought.
In levels, the game play is virtually the same, but with a few welcome changes. Unlike the last game, any character (excluding robots) can build things, instead of just making a Jedi or Sith build things. Some things still need the force to move though. There are now areas where only "Bounty Hunters" or evil characters can enter, this does get annoying sometimes. Characters who use a gun as their weapon, do not just shoot anymore. In very close range, the gun-characters can punch or kick enemies too. This is very helpful in the game. Some characters only punch or kick.
In the old Lego Star Wars, the only thing unlockable (aside from characters, extras and the famous fourth episode level), the new game now allows you to unlock other secret things. Every level still has 10 "minikits" on it, as well as millions of studs (Lego money). You still need to get superkits (so many studs on a level), but now getting one sends you to "True Jedi" status. Hidden on every level now as well, is a red "Power Brick". These unlock cheats (previously called extras) to buy, but they are pretty expensive. If you collect all of a certain thing (excluding Power Bricks - they have their own rewards), like minkits or superkits on the game, then you get rewarded. I won't spoil the surprise. Also, if you collect all of the Bounty Hunter characters, you unlock a new set of levels just for them!
Lego Star Wars II is slightly better than it's prequel. I would rate it 9/10, there are just a few minor problems. It is another brilliant game, and I hope that they can make up another. I would recommend it to most gamers, young or old, as long as they are not looking for excruciating detail. Buy it now, or face the power of the dark side of the force! See ya!
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