Yeah, so I've been doing a little Pokémon spriting, and other fun stuff. In case you don't know, a sprite is the Pokémon you see in the gameboy games. There are also trainer sprites, item sprites, and lots more. Therefore spriting is tinkering with sprites, which is what I've been doing basically. This is what I've done:
I guess this is pretty self-explanatory. It's a trainer sprite (a Camper boy, with his arm erased off), sitting on a Tropius. He is supposed to be crouching, but he does kind of look like he's sitting.
This is a merge between two Pokémon. Can't guess which ones? It's Golbat and Skarmory! I name it... Skarbat! The other option was Golmory, which doesn't sound as good. The trouble is, I've run into a dilemma with this Pokémon. What types is it? Poison and Steel? Poison and Flying? Steel and Flying? Or all three!?

This is a bit of a random one I suppose. I've jammed at least a hundred Magnemites into the small space of eighty by eighty pixels. Still, it is quite funny (and random), and I call this picture Magnemite Overload!
This one's my least favourite. It is basically just a recolouring of a Gardevoir to gold. So I call it Golden Gardevoir. At least I can give it two definite types - Psychic and Steel.
This is probably my favourite one, either that or Magnemite Overload! It is a Team Magma Trainer about to suck her Pokémon back into its pokeball. Can you guess which Pokémon it is? Here's a hint. It's from Kanto and the sprite is an Emerald one (not animated).
After this I hope to move onto making little random (and hopefully funny) animations, not just about Pokémon, anything I can think about. But until then, bye for now, and don't forget my challenge to you all at Monkey Kick-Off!
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