Sunday, December 10, 2006


I've not been doing much lately, don't know why. I've mostly been on Neopets, updating my shop, and buying new stuff (see picture on left). That's a new petpet for dementedfrog205, it's called an Abominable Snowball. My other petpet, for redeagle205 it's called a Mallard (see picture on right). They're basically just toys for you neopet, or pets. Also, your petpet can get a pet too, it's called a petpetpet (wow, what a hard name to guess), but they're really hard to come buy, or expensive to buy. I am keeping up with the advent calendar too. Also, on, my team is on a role. We were last, but now we're fifteenth! Yeah! Can we keep it up?

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