Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Two great things have just happened for me on Neopets! The first thing is, after I raided my bank account for some np. I was able to buy the Tiny Umbrella, for my quest. I gave it to the Faerie, and she boosted dementedfrog205's attack power! So afterwards, I began to chat on boards. While on boards, a random event meant that I found a codestone. I am going to sell it in my shop, so that maybe I can gain a few more np! (See picture on left).

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Alert! Alert! Faerie Quest!

Yes, I have just received a quest from the mysterious creatures known as faeries, who live in Faerieland, Neopia (see Worlds of Neopia). A Faerie of fire, has asked me to bring her a Tiny Umbrella. I have excepted this quest, hopefully, I will complete it. Unfortunately, on a Faerie Quest, you cannot use the Shop Wizard (a service that searches every shop in Neopia for the item you want). Will I be able to complete this quest? The rewards will be great....

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Saturday, September 02, 2006


A guild is basically a club for people who like a certain thing, for instance: football, or a TV programme. There are lots and lots of different guilds, situated all over Neopia (you can only acess them over one page though). If you are really passionate about something, then a join a guild, crammed with people just like you, or, create one yourself! On a guild, there is a private message board for the members, competitions and even a private poll. I personally think that it is a brilliant idea to join them. Because I like two things quite a lot, I have recently joined a guild devoted to the things that I like. Pokemon & Role Playing. I have joined a guild for people who adore Pokemon Roleplaying.

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Contacting Other Users

You are not just isolated all by yourself on neopets, there are many ways to get in contact with other users. Firstly, there are hundreds of boards, ranging on topic from Role Playing (my favourite), to Jelly World! There is also a topic just for beginners. On the boards, you have a little picture or "avatar" next to your post. Some of them are very funny. The picture is my avatar. Also, there is a system on neopets called Neomail (pun of email, I know). You can email, or "neomail" (nm for short). If you want to nm me, my username is juliancann. It can be for almost anything, sadly, some users abuse this :( I am currently carrying on a Role Play story, that I did on a board with another user, over nm. You can neofriend (nf) other users, so that you can give them items, and make auctions just for them! Also on guilds (see next post), there is usually a message board.

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