Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Now my Neopets look so cool. If you visit my userlookup, or just keep reading on, you'll find out why! As you might or might not know (you will now anyway), I have been saving up for ages, to buy something. Finally, my chance came, and for 91,920 np, or something around that, I bought a vile-looking potion. Yeah ok, it's probably not safe, and it may have some after-effects, but look what it did to dementedfrog205, he looks so cool!

+ =

Also, it's good news on itsagoal.com. My team in now eleventh in the table. We have had two smashing wins. We beat one team five goals to one! Then the next match, we win four goals to none! We are on a rampage now. Do you think we will make it to the top?

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